Community Donation Fund

Athens Area Credit Union’s philosophy of “people helping people” is synonymous with our commitment to help support educational programs and provide partnership opportunities within our schools and communities. We actively support the credit union movement and believe our number one priority is to provide services and assistance in order to help improve the lives of members and their families within our community.

Each year, our credit union allocates funds to support our local community. We are pleased to do our part to assist your organization’s programs. If your organization is in need of funds, please print our “Donation Request Form” and review the guidelines listed. Donation requests will be granted twice each year. The deadlines for submitting requests are February 28 and August 31. If your organization meets our criteria, the completed form must be submitted prior to these deadlines.

General Contribution Guidelines

The receiving organization must be within AACU's field of membership. The amount of funding will be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to budget limitations. Donations may be requested by groups who are within the credit union's field of membership in exchange for an advertising opportunity. (Ex: high school sports programs, yearbook ads, etc.) These opportunities will be directed to the President for approval and/or distribution to the Board of Directors. The receiving organization must provide verification that funds were applied in accordance with approval purpose. Should the planned event/purpose be canceled, the Athens Area Credit Union Board of Directors will decide whether the funds will be redirected for a different event or returned to the donation fund.

Contribution Guidelines

To be eligible for contributions, organizations must have goals and objectives consistent with credit union philosophy. We will consider contributions for, but not limited to:

  • Education related events

  • School sports teams and other school sponsored clubs

  • Credit union movement

  • Educational advancement

  • Financial literacy

  • Organizations falling within our field of membership

Athens Area Credit Union does not make contributions for:

  • Advertising or underwriting expenses

  • Campus student organizations, fraternities, sororities, honor societies

  • Political/partisan endorsements

  • Individuals seeking funds for personal endeavors

  • Merchandise promotions

  • Tuition

Types of contributions we may make:

  • Monetary donations

  • Time donations

  • Other resources (promotional items, seminars, fundraisers, etc.)